Fiat 500 Bodypaint
Models Becoming Motors: In Collaboration with FiatAd for Fiat in ESPN magazine
Lead Bodypaint: Craig Tracy
Key Assistant: Trina Merry
Assistants: Airballin & Melissa Lewis
Photo: Rj Muna
Shot at Left Space Studios
Bodypaint provided by European Body Art (we used their VIBE and loved it).
Using human models as her canvas, Trina Merry continues to reveal phenomenal artwork that highlights the strength, natural shapes and diversity of the body in new and exciting ways - this time collaborating with Fiat North America for a print ad in ESPN Magazine. The Fiat 500 project came together when Trina partnered with her mentor and renowned body artist, Craig Tracy and photographer RJ Muna.
The concept was based around the Fiat 500 Abarth Cabrio, to create a visually unique print ad.
Working in San Francisco for several days, the models were made up of all female local circus performers, contortionists and women who wanted to be a part of this special project.
“It’s one of those ads that is going to be a double, triple, quadruple take. They’re going to look at three or four times and go back to it and show people.”
Trina’s amazing body painting skills and her experience was critical for the execution of this project, her bodypainting talent isn’t just about finding the right paint colors, her process is multilayered from visualizing the sculpture, extenuating the body in new ways and fitting every model together in a beautiful body paint jigsaw. Craig, Trina and the team used every contour and curve to create a human car sculpture so realistic the finished artwork went viral.
The beautiful, natural bodies are a vision of female strength as every brushstroke gradually transforms their figures into powerful car parts, so realistic that you can almost hear the engine rumbling through the picture. This is a piece that reveals itself slowly as arms and legs start to peek through. Each angle positions the models differently, as they sit, lie, crouch and slot together and put their muscles to the test. The front angle reveals an elegant side figure used to create the headlights and bonnet. From the side, the models’ curved backs build the doors and wheels, with one model’s face covered completely in red as a bold wing mirror.
This optical illusion, created from nothing but bodies and body paint, is just another example of Trina’s extraordinary skill set transforming her models to embody this phenomenal motor.
Want to see more of Trina’s captivating human sculptures? Read all about her human motorcycle series!